Information For Parents
Our office can be reached on 01709 740500 between the hours of 8:15am and 4:00pm. General queries from parents and other members of the public will be dealt with by Miss L Turner in the main office.

Miss L Turner
School Office Manager
Our School Day
Foundation Stage 1
3 & 4 year old session: 8.40am - 11.45am
All classes F2 - Y6
8.40am – 3:15pm
Any children arriving after their session time (when the gates/doors are closed) need to report to the school office to be signed in.
Wrap Around Care
Breakfast Club​
We offer a breakfast club everyday which opens at 8am.
A charge of £2.00 is payable which includes the child’s breakfast, activities and childcare.
Activities include colouring, games, puzzles, sports and computing.
After School Clubs
We offer childcare each day after school. Currently the childcare runs from 3.15pm until 4pm, providing working parents with an additional hour before collection.
A charge of £3.00 is payable to cover the costs of a healthy snack, the activities and the childcare. Activities include:
· Singing
· Box modelling
· Construction kits
· Pastel artwork
· Robot making
· Paint
· Sewing
· Christmas Crafts
We also run a programme of sports activities that run Monday to Thursday each week/ These clubs are free. Different focus each half term:
· Hockey
· Football
· Tag Rugby
· Multisports
· Cheerleading/Dance
· Athletics
Term Dates 2024 - 25
Autumn 1
INSET: Monday 2nd September
Tuesday 3rd September - Friday 25th October
Half Term
Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November
Autumn 2
Monday 4th November - Friday 20th December
Christmas Holidays
Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd January
Spring 1
INSET: Monday 6th January
Tuesday 7th January - Friday 14th February
Half Term
Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February
Spring 2
Monday 24th February - Friday 28th March
Easter Holiday
Monday 31st March - Friday 11th April
Good Friday 18th April - School closed
Bank Holiday Monday 21st April - School closed
Summer 1
Monday 14th April - Wednesday 21st May
May Day Monday 5th May - School closed
​Half Term
INSET: Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd May
Monday 26th May - Friday 30thMay
Summer 2
INSET: Monday 2nd June
Tuesday 3rd June - Wednesday 23rd July
​​School Closes for the Summer Holidays
Wednesday 23rd July
INSET stands for In-Service Training Day. These are 5 identified days across the year that are used for staff development.
Children do not attend school on INSET Days.
Please ring the absence line on 01709 740500 to report if your child is going to be off school.
We operate a first day response to absence. It is parents and carers responsibility to inform school of the reason for absence each morning that their child is absent. If we do not hear from you, our attendance officer Mrs Shaw will phone you, email you and text you asking you to make contact and provide a reason for absence. If there is no response, we will conduct a house visit, with another member of staff, to find out where your child is. We care about our children and need to ensure they are safe.
We take a great deal of pride in our school and the community we serve. We want to encourage every child to be the best they can be. As part of this approach we have a uniform policy. All children must wear any of the following:
Plain black or grey trousers, skirts, culottes, shorts
White or light blue polo shirt or shirt
Navy blue cardigan or jumper
Black trainers or shoes
Blue gingham summer school dress
Navy or grey tights
It is personal choice as to whether you would like the school badge on the children’s uniform or not. If you would like to buy uniform with our badge on, it is available from Pinders which is situated at 16 College St, Rotherham S60 1QB or orders can be placed online at
Alternatively, you can purchase uniform from large supermarkets chains or store of your choice.
As a school we will provide your child with a free book bag to promote the importance of reading. Children will need to bring this to school daily with their reading books. If the book bags become lost or needs replacing it can be ordered from Pinders.
Please see the photograph below for examples of what good uniform looks like.

PE Kits
All children will do 2 hours of PE each week, there is usually one indoor session and one outdoor session. On PE days, we encourage children to come into school in their PE kits rather than their school uniform. Children stay in their PE Kits all day.
After starting at our school, your child will be given a house team that they will join. The houses we have are:
Red Rubies
Green Emeralds
Yellow Diamonds
Blue Sapphires
Children can wear a round neck t-shirt in the colour of their house team just like the ones below or a plain white round neck t-shirt if preferred. No logos please.

School Lunches
Our school dinners here at Meadow View are excellent, with all of the meals freshly made onsite every day for our children to enjoy.
The latest four choice menu is available to download on the right hand side of this section.
All menus are designed to meet the national nutritional standards so that the children of Rotherham benefit in receiving all the required elements for their growth and development.​
Prices are £3.20 per day and £16.00 for the full week.
As we are now a cashless school, payments for school dinners must be made via the SchoolMoney Online Payment System, or at a Paypoint location (click here for more information about the School Money Payment System).
Our school dinners are proving very popular and we would like to thank our dinner time team who continue to provide the children with healthy and nutritious meals. If your child currently has a packed lunch, they may wish to try a school dinner - they are highly recommended.
Free School Dinners
Paper proof of benefits is no longer required to process a claim for Free School Meals. Proof will only be needed if entitlement cannot be confirmed through our systems. There is a new application form that can be completed online which can be found by visiting the following link: Apply for free school meals