What is SEND?
SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability.
Meadow View Primary School follows the guidance within the SEND Code of Practice in regards to identifying, assessing and meeting needs of children with SEND to ensure that all children receive the right assessment and support for them at the right time. In collaboration and agreement with parents and carers, a child is put onto the SEND register if school feel they may have difficulties in one or more of the following areas
Sensory and/or Physical needs
Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs
Communicating and Interacting
Cognition and Learning
and where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age. Pupils may also be removed from the SEND register should their needs no longer require different or additional provision.
What is the SEN Register?
Being on the SEN register means your child is closely monitored by the acting SENCo (Mrs Gregg) and the Inclusion Team and they will receive the support they need to achieve personalised targets at Meadow View.
How will I know my child’s needs are being met and what support will be available?
At Meadow View, we have an Inclusion Team who meet weekly to discuss the needs of our children. Mrs Logan (Head Teacher), Mrs Gregg (, Acting SENCo, Assistant Head for Inclusion), Mrs Morgan (Safeguarding and Inclusion Officer) and Miss May (Behaviour and Social, Emotional and Mental Health lead) attend these weekly meetings to ensure that we have a collaborative approach to meeting children’s needs. In this meeting we discuss the SEND pupils in school to ensure that their provision is appropriate and we may agree amendments to a pupils provision. We work closely with external agencies to seek advice on the needs of pupils, and we have an educational psychologist who has input into the provision for all SEND pupils ensuring adaptations for each child are impactful and appropriate.
How will I know my child is making progress?
At Meadow View, we have three stages of SEN support to strategically maximise the appropriate support for each pupil on the SEND register. Children will be set support plan targets through SEND parents’ meetings or SEND reviews as explained below. These targets are reviewed with parents/carers at these meetings.
Stage 1
Children in this stage will have a SEND termly review and next steps. This document celebrates pupil successes and sets next step targets to show what your child needs to work on. Your child will have 2 shorter SEND parents’ meetings in the Autumn and Spring Terms and 1 SEND meeting in the Summer Term with the SENCO, class teacher and, where appropriate, the child present to ensure that your child is making good progress. This will be instead of a parents’ meeting in the Summer term. We have specifically chosen Summer for the SEND meeting as this will enable your child to have a smooth transition to the next year group by ensuring that the next teacher has all the information they need.
​Stage 2
Children in this stage will have a support plan with targets to show what your child needs to work on. This plan sets out targets we want your child to achieve, the steps we will put in place to ensure your child achieves the target and what will this look like when your child has been successful. These will be reviewed at the following SEN meeting. Your child will have 1 shorter SEND parents’ meeting in the Autumn Term and 2 SEND review meetings in the Spring and Summer Terms. The SEND review meetings will be longer sessions with the SENCO, class teacher and, where appropriate, the child present so that we can ensure that your child is making good progress. The SEND review meetings will be instead of the shorter parents’ meeting in the Spring and Summer terms.
Stage 3
Children in this stage will have an Extended Support Plan document. This document exposes their strengths, areas of personalised needs and the provision they require. It looks at the different areas of need including; Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Sensory and Physical and Independence. Targets will be set each term and agreed priorities listed for each of the areas mentioned above to ensure your child is successful in meeting their personalised targets. Your child will have 3 SEN Reviews per year. One each term. These will be detailed meetings, with the SENCO, class teacher and, where appropriate, the child present, where we go through and update the Extended Support Plan document in each of the sections, review old targets and set new targets. These SEN reviews will be instead of the shorter parents’ meetings we have in the year.​

Susan Gregg
Acting SENDCo

Jenni Logan
Head Teacher

Jade May
Behaviour and Wellbeing Lead